About This Blog

That Dress Isn't Pretty Anymore is a blog written by Magda. That's me.

What is this blog about?
The Internet is full of blogs devoted to personal style, and lo and behold, here is mine! This blog is about what I wear. And what I find interesting, fashion-wise. Sometimes I dish about pop culture that interests or amuses me.
All of my clothes are thrifted, by which I mean they are second or third hand trash-to-treasures. I turn Goodwill Outlet refuse, dead grandma-wear, and latter-day fashion graveyards into my daily wardrobe. Read more here.

What can you tell us about yourself?
I was born in 1989 and I currently live on the fringes of society in Houston, Texas.

Do you post to your blog every day?
Nuh-uh! Because even I have a day job. You can usually rely on me posting content at least a few times a week.

Why do your photos look like they're taken with a webcam? Do you not take blogging seriously?
I am very serious about blogging! But not very serious about photography. I am still learning how to properly use my Canon film camera that I bought for $1.39/lb at the Goodwill Bins. Until then, I'm sticking to Photo Booth -- it's a lot cheaper and a more convenient tool for a blog that I post to frequently.

What are the Goodwill Bins you keep talking about?
The Bins = Goodwill Outlet store in Portland, Oregon, the cosy town where I used to live and go to college. It's a warehouse full of large plastic bins with unsorted clothes, dishes, jars of human toenails, and castoff knick-knacks -- all sold by the pound, with some exceptions. Digging through all the carnage is worth it. If you ever take a trip there, don't be afraid to dig.

Who are the kids in the photo above? Did you find that picture on the Internet?
I find a lot of crazy things on the Internet, but this photo is from my family album. I'm the slightly deranged cutie in the multicolored dream belt.