
A Look That's Well-Seasoned

Winterizing your summer wardrobe is what's in these days.

I know this because I have a subscription for Harper's Bazaar. Oh yeah? Oh yeah, and that means a glossy mag shows up in my mailbox each month, just like a period. Getting a mail-ordered copy of Bazaar is just as femme but obviously more of a highlight than getting your period. I always learn something new and exciting about commercial femininity from Bazaar.

Like, it's all about being sexy and pregnant these days, thanks to Beyoncé. You can't be just plain sexy anymore, or just plain pregnant. You have to be sexy while you're cooking a bun in the oven. Motherhood isn't for everybody, though, so I'm trying out other style trends from Bazaar.

Like taking summer clothes and making them fall/winter appropriate!

Exhibit A:

From the October 2011 issue of Harper's Bazaar.
Heartwarming story: Big Bird from Sesame Street and Clifford the Big Red Dog had a love child, and when this kid grew up, they sent him off to the fur factory, where he was made into the red Michael Kors jacket you see in the photo above. This jacket (retail value: $5,995) looks good chillin' poolside.

From the November 2011 issue of Harper's Bazaar.
And guess what, furry red jackets also look good in the Arctic tundra! Don't get confused, this animal here is actually a Chado Ralph Rucci coat. Being able to recognize details is extremely important if you're going to succeed in fashion as a hobby! This Rucci creation costs $8,000. You know what I would do if I had $8,000? Not buy this coat that Mr. Snuffleupagus died to make.

As always, thanks for your services, Harper's Bazaar. So, I decided to style today's post after this summer-is-the-new-fall motif.

Exhibit B:

A romper is prime for the summertime! Pair it with a summer-looking hat, and you're good to go! I got this romper as a gift. I usually wear it with a skirt thrown on top, but sometimes I like hanging out in just a playsuit, like I'm five.

Well, now I'm getting chilly! So I'll throw on a black velvet blazer, a black mink hat (don't worry, a real animal died to make this vintage heirloom, not some fictional one), and a stuffed polar bear. Now, I know I should be an enlightened fashion blogger who rails against the big bad fur industry instead of laughing it off, but I like fur. It keeps me warm.

The romper is a very poetic garment and looks great in black and white. It's also a token hipster item, but sometimes you have to deal with the stereotypes of your age demographic and wear whatever the heck you like.

Recommendation for the week: try winterizing your own wardrobe and see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh the collar on that romper!! Also, I love your mink/polar bear interpretation of the Bazaar red fuzz.
