
Got 99 Problems But A Witch Ain't One Of Them

A witch ain't one of 'em? Hey now, I'm not censoring Jay-Z! Nope. I'm punning (which is probably worse) on the 1989 teen movie Teen Witch, the inspiration for today's post! If you haven't seen that teen dream vehicle, then you missed out on an all-American girlhood. But here's your chance to rectify your past!

I'll catch you up. Basic plot: Louise, an unpopular high school girl, discovers on her 16th birthday that she is a witch. Because she is kinda boring and unimaginative, she decides to use her magic to become popular. She dumps her cool Jewish (probs) best friend, gets in with the dumb popular girls, and starts dating the school's top alpha male, this jock named Brad who looks forty years old. Ew.

Magic can help you get the peen of your dreams! I'm not even being gratuitous here -- remember that scene when Brad drives Louise, newly christened the Most Popular Girl in School, up to that shack on the hill? Yeah. Case closed. (Photo via fanpop.com)

Anyways, the witch has some cool style, thanks to the film's costume department and the teen fashion of the decade. So, I's inspired! Why? Because, even though I'm in my young twenties, I still geek out over silly teen movies (calling Teen Witch dumb would imply that I don't derive amusement from watching it, and oh baby do I. The movie's over-the-top flamboyance and cheesy wish fulfillment is exactly why I'm into it -- and why you are too, babycakes!)

I got 'em at Goodwill: rayon n' polyester knit sleeveless sweater, paired with a brown leather belt with gold buckles. That's real gold that I plan to melt down so I can paint my cauldron. Put it all together! Nothing says "alpha female with magical powers" like a denim mini-skirt.

So, what's the logic behind "but a witch ain't one of 'em"? Well, the secret is - surprise surprise! - you don't need magic to have style. Nor do you need lotsa cash moneys, which is the whole point of this blog, duh. And witches are demanding and troublesome ladies, if Teen Witch is anything to go by, which it totally is, of course.

Doubtful? Read all about it here. My re-cap of Teen Witch is completely lame-o compared to this clever ol' thing from a Hello Giggles blogger. Also, I should mention that this particular Hello Giggles blogger, Elizabeth Sankey, is in a super cool band called Summer Camp (see video below) and that she writes her own blog. So, new hero!

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