
Ain't No Cure For The Summertime Blues

From time to time, I like to make weird investments. My most recent one has been black lipstick, which I bought on a whim at the pharmacy while browsing the aisles for nail polish. Now, what would a girl need black lipstick for, you ask? I mean, you really can't wear the stuff to most social occasions.

Well, it was a weird investment -- one of those, "Hot dang, I never know when I might need one of these!" kind of purchases. Now, the brand I chose was completely arbitrary. No product endorsement intended. But I'm gonna spill the beans anyway.

In the ad for Revlon's Black Cherry lipstick pictured below, the model's giving you the pouty downcast look while clutching a silver purse to her face with her black-painted nails (nice touch). Thanks to the lipstick, she's a "Drama Queen," or so the ad claims.
Revlon ad via the Internetz.
Really? Well, maybe that worked for the Revlon model. Good for her. Female empowerment through cosmetics! But what happens when I, a mere peasant with no real photo tools at my disposal, wear black lipstick? This is what happens:

I end up looking like I've been eating a real juicy steak, folks! Or in this case, bacon, because that's all I could find in the freezer to use as a prop. Good for me. Meat is murder anyway, hardy har har.

Now, back to business! In other news, this is a dress that I found at the Goodwill Bins. It's an '80s does '50s floral halter dress, maybe Hawaiian-style. Pockets included. Mid-calf length. And as you can see, I've paired this dress with a fetching red belt, also a Goodwill find. This is my favorite summer dress, which I'm showcasing a little on the late side of the season. 

But then again, when you're living in Texas, YOU DON'T GET NO SEASONS, PARDNER. This is why you do silly things like buy lipstick shades you won't wear, because living through three straight weeks at 100 degrees has fried your gray matter. On the other hand, whatchu gonna do if you don't have something crazy to blog about?

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